Seamless event check-in system in your pocket

Scan tickets and check people in via guest list with the Billetto app

Check-ins that take just a few seconds

Use the Billetto app to scan tickets for your events. You can use multiple devices at the same time in different locations. Billetto app works on all of your mobile devices and you can scan tickets even without internet connection.

Use the interactive guest list

Search people's names using an interactive guest list on your phone. No printed ticket - no problem. You can scan and check the guestlist with the same app. Billetto guest list is always up-to-date, so if you have any last-minute sales, they will appear in the app.

Use the Billetto app to sell tickets at the door

The app is a full box office in your pocket. As well as scanning & a guest list, you can use it to sell tickets at the door. You can even send a copy of the ticket to the ticket buyers.

Billetto works with your scanning devices

We support most of the scanning devices on the market. If you have special set-up or requirements, you're always welcome to reach out.

Power up your event with Billetto

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